Documentation of the Tergite Automatic Calibration
The tergite-autocalibration is a toolkit to ease calibrating quantum devices for superconducting platforms. The project contains an orchestration manager, a collection of calibration schedules and a collection of post-processing and analysis routines. It is tailored to tune-up the 25 qubits QPU at Chalmers, which is receiving generous funding by the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT) for research, development and operation.
User Guide
A tutorial on how to get started with the automatic calibration. This tutorial contains a guide on how to use the commandline interface with quick commands. Further, there is an introduction into configuration files.
Node Library
The main principle behind the automatic calibration is based on calibrating nodes in a graph structure. A node contains all the measurement and analysis classes to find the quantity of interest - for qubits and couplers. If you are interested in implementing a new node, it might be worth it to check whether there are existing nodes that you can use to find the qubit properties you are looking to calibrate.
Developer Guide
This repository is an actively developed open-source project and also part of the Tergite full-stack software ecosystem to operate a quantum computer. Hence, you are more than welcome to contribute to the project with your own ideas that fit into the framework. To familiarize yourself with the existing classes and the architecture of the automatic calibration, please take a look into the development guide. Here, you can also find best practices and information about our design philosophy.