The Tergite stack is composed of three components
- tergite-backend
- The operating system of the quantum computer. It communicates with the world via a RESTful API.
- tergite-frontend
- The server that gives remote access to any tergite-backend instance. It communicates with the world via a RESTful API.
- Tergite SDK (or just tergite)
- The Python software development kit (SDK) quantum computer researchers can use in their scripts to interact with the Tergite stack.
The Tergite stack has a number of accessory softwares that are currently not initmately woven into the stack but mught be in future
- tergite-autocalibration
- The Python commandline application (CLI) that is used to automatically tune the quantum computer.
Language of Communication
We use OpenPulse to communicate pass quantum computer instructions from the SDK to the backend part of the Tergite stack.
This project is developed by a core group of collaborators. Chalmers Next Labs AB (CNL) takes on the role of managing and maintaining this project.
We are grateful for the wonderful contributions from:
- Chalmers Next Labs AB - WACQT Quantum Technology Testbed
- Chalmers University of Technology - Microtechnology and Nanoscience department
- Knut and Alice Wallenburg Foundation under the Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology (WAQCT) project at Chalmers University of Technology
- Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) and NordForsk under the NordIQuEst project
- European Union’s Horizon Europe under the OpenSuperQ project
- European Union’s Horizon Europe under the OpenSuperQPlus project