Quick Start
Let’s attempt to setup the Tergite stack to run on a simulator on your local machine.
We will not need an actual quantum computer.
You may have to install these software if you don’t have them already installed.
Setup the Frontend
- Ensure you have docker is running.
docker --help
Open another terminal
Clone the tergite-frontend repo
git clone https://github.com/tergite/tergite-frontend.git
- Enter the tergite-frontend folder
cd tergite-frontend
- Create an
file with visual studio code (or any other text editor).
code mss-config.toml
- Update the
with the following content
# mss-config.toml
# general configurations
# the port on which MSS is running
mss_port = 8002
# the port on which the websocket is running
ws_port = 6532
# environment reflect which environment the app is to run in.
environment = "development"
# the host the uvicorn runs on.
# During testing auth on, set this to "". default: ""
mss_host = ""
# configurations for the database
name = "testing"
# database URI
# host.docker.internal resolves to the host's
# see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31324981/how-to-access-host-port-from-docker-container#answer-43541732
url = "mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017"
name = "qiskit_pulse_2q"
# the URL where this backend is running
# host.docker.internal resolves to the host's
# see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31324981/how-to-access-host-port-from-docker-container#answer-43541732
url = "http://host.docker.internal:8000"
# turn auth OFF or ON, default=true
is_enabled = false
cookie_domain = ""
cookie_name = "tergiteauth"
name = "github"
client_id = "some-github-obtained-client-id"
client_secret = "some-github-obtained-client-secret"
redirect_url = ""
client_type = "github"
email_regex = "^(john\\.doe|jane|aggrey)@example\\.com$"
email_domain = "example.com"
roles = ["admin", "user"]
name = "puhuri"
client_id = "some-puhuri-obtained-client-id"
client_secret = "some-puhuri-obtained-client-secret"
redirect_url = ""
client_type = "openid"
email_regex = "^(john\\.doe|jane)@example\\.com$"
email_domain = "example.com"
roles = ["user"]
openid_configuration_endpoint = "https://proxy.acc.puhuri.eduteams.org/.well-known/openid-configuration"
# Puhuri synchronization
# Puhuri is a resource management platform for HPC systems, that is also to be used for Quantum Computer's
# turn puhuri synchronization OFF or ON, default=true
is_enabled = false
- Create a
file with visual studio code (or any other text editor).
code .env
- Update the
with the following content
# .env
# required
# docker LOGGING_DRIVER can be journald, json-file, local etc.
# image versions:
# Note: If you ever want the images to be rebuilt,
# you have to change the app version numbers here
# before running "docker compose up"
- Open the Mongo compass application and connect to the default local mongo database
- Create a new mongo database called “testing” that contains a “backends” collection.
- Delete the old docker images of “tergite/tergite-mss”, “tergite/tergite-dashboard” from docker if they exist.
docker rmi tergite/tergite-mss:v0.0.1
docker rmi tergite/tergite-dashboard:v0.0.1
- To Run the services, use the
docker compose -f fresh-docker-compose.yml up -d
- Remove any stale artefacts created during the docker build
docker system prune
Open your browser at
- http://localhost:8002 to see the MSS service
- http://localhost:3000 to see the Dashboard application
To view the status of the services, run:
docker compose -f fresh-docker-compose.yml ps
- To stop the services, run:
docker compose -f fresh-docker-compose.yml stop
- To remove stop the services and remove their containers also, run:
docker compose -f fresh-docker-compose.yml down
- To view logs of the docker containers to catch some errors, use:
docker compose -f fresh-docker-compose.yml logs -f
see more at https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/compose/logs/
- Ensure that the services are running. If they are not, restart them.
docker compose -f fresh-docker-compose.yml up -d
Setup the Backend
- Ensure you have conda installed. (You could simply have python +3.9 installed instead.)
- Ensure you have the Redis server running.
- Open terminal.
- Clone the tergite-backend repo
git clone https://github.com/tergite/tergite-backend.git
- Create conda environment
conda create -n bcc -y python=3.9
conda activate bcc
- Install dependencies
cd tergite-backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create an
file with visual studio code (or any other text editor).
code .env
- Update the
file with the following content.
# Main Service Server
# Backend Control computer
- Create a
file with visual studio code (or any other text editor).
code backend_config.toml
- Update the
file with the following content.
# backend_config.toml
name = "qiskit_pulse_2q"
is_active = true
characterized = true
open_pulse = true
simulator = true
version = "1.0.0"
online_date = "2024-10-09T00:00:00"
num_qubits = 2
num_couplers = 1
num_resonators = 2
description = "A two-qubit transmon Hamiltonian with 4 levels per qubit"
dt = 0.01e-9
dtm = 0.01e-9
discriminators = [ "lda" ]
qubit_ids = [ "q0", "q1" ]
meas_map = [ [ 0 ], [ 1 ] ]
coordinates = [
[0, 0],
[1, 0]
qubit_parameters = [
resonator_parameters = [
coupler_parameters = [
lda = [
u0 = ["q0", "q1"]
coupling_map = [ [ 0, 1], [1, 0] ]
qasm_def = "gate x q { U(pi, 0, pi) q; }"
parameters = [ ]
coupling_strength = 0.02e9
frequency = "Hz"
t1_decoherence = "s"
t2_decoherence = "s"
anharmonicity = "Hz"
acq_delay = "s"
acq_integration_time = "s"
frequency = "Hz"
pulse_delay = "s"
pulse_duration = "s"
pulse_amplitude = ""
pulse_type = ""
frequency = "Hz"
frequency_detuning = "Hz"
anharmonicity = "Hz"
coupling_strength_02 = "Hz"
coupling_strength_12 = "Hz"
cz_pulse_amplitude = ""
cz_pulse_dc_bias = ""
cz_pulse_phase_offset = "rad"
cz_pulse_duration_before = "s"
cz_pulse_duration_rise = "s"
cz_pulse_duration_constant = "s"
pulse_type = ""
id = "q0"
frequency = 4.8e9
anharmonicity = -0.17e9
t1_decoherence = 3.4e-5
t2_decoherence = 3.3e-5
pi_pulse_amplitude = 0.029
pi_pulse_duration = 5.6e-8
pulse_sigma = 7e-9
pulse_type = "Gaussian"
id = "q1"
frequency = 4.225e9
anharmonicity = -0.17e9
t1_decoherence = 3.4e-5
t2_decoherence = 3.3e-5
pi_pulse_amplitude = 0.029
pi_pulse_duration = 5.6e-8
pulse_sigma = 7e-9
pulse_type = "Gaussian"
id = "q0"
acq_delay = 5e-8
acq_integration_time = 1e-6
frequency = 7_260_080_000
pulse_delay = 0
pulse_duration = 9e-7
pulse_amplitude = 0.1266499392606423
pulse_type = "Square"
id = "q1"
acq_delay = 5e-8
acq_integration_time = 1e-6
frequency = 7_380_000_000
pulse_delay = 0
pulse_duration = 9e-7
pulse_amplitude = 0.12660078572926436
pulse_type = "Square"
id = "u0"
frequency = 7.8e9
frequency_detuning = -0.015e9
anharmonicity = -0.17e9
coupling_strength_02 = 0.07e9
coupling_strength_12 = 0.07e9
cz_pulse_amplitude = 0.08
cz_pulse_dc_bias = 0.275
cz_pulse_phase_offset = 0
cz_pulse_duration_before = 88e-9
cz_pulse_duration_rise = 25e-9
cz_pulse_duration_constant = 370e-9
pulse_type = "wacqt_cz_gate_pulse"
intercept = -38.4344477840827
coef_0 = -98_953.87504155144
coef_1 = -114_154.48696231026
intercept = -42.05181160328822
coef_0 = -107_941.00358803963
coef_1 = -124_239.32054386326
- Run start script
- Open your browser at http://localhost:8000/docs to see the interactive API docs
Run an Experiment
Open another terminal
Create a new folder “tergite-test” and enter it
mkdir tergite-test
cd tergite-test
- Create conda environment and activate it
conda create -n tergite -y python=3.9
conda activate tergite
- Install qiskit and Tergite SDK by running the command below:
pip install qiskit
pip install tergite
- Create a file
with visual studio code (or any other text editor).
code main.py
- Update the
file with the following content:
# main.py
"""A sample script doing a very simple quantum operation"""
import time
import qiskit.circuit as circuit
import qiskit.compiler as compiler
from tergite.qiskit.providers import Job, Tergite
from tergite.qiskit.providers.provider_account import ProviderAccount
if __name__ == "__main__":
# the Tergite API URL
= "http://localhost:8002"
API_URL # The name of the Quantum Computer to use from the available quantum computers
= "qiskit_pulse_2q"
BACKEND_NAME # the name of this service. For your own bookkeeping.
= "local"
SERVICE_NAME # the timeout in seconds for how long to keep checking for results
= 100
# create the Qiskit circuit
= circuit.QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
qc 0)
qc.h(0, 1)
qc.cx(0, 0)
qc.measure(1, 1)
# create a provider
# provider account creation can be skipped in case you already saved
# your provider account to the `~/.qiskit/tergiterc` file.
# See below how that is done.
= ProviderAccount(service_name=SERVICE_NAME, url=API_URL)
account = Tergite.use_provider_account(account)
provider # to save this account to the `~/.qiskit/tergiterc` file, add the `save=True`
# provider = Tergite.use_provider_account(account, save=True)
# Get the Tergite backend in case you skipped provider account creation
# provider = Tergite.get_provider(service_name=SERVICE_NAME)
= provider.get_backend(BACKEND_NAME)
backend =1024)
# compile the circuit
= compiler.transpile(qc, backend=backend)
# run the circuit
= backend.run(tc, meas_level=2, meas_return="single")
job: Job
# view the results
= 0
elapsed_time = None
result while result is None:
if elapsed_time > POLL_TIMEOUT:
raise TimeoutError(
f"result polling timeout {POLL_TIMEOUT} seconds exceeded"
time.sleep(+= 1
elapsed_time = job.result()
- Execute the above script by running the command below.
python main.py
- It should return something like:
Results OK
{'00': 495, '01': 51, '11': 449, '10': 29}